Monday, July 27, 2015

Chief of Staff Selectees not Nominating the IS as one of our Greatest Threats

The US Senate has now interviewed two potential candidates for the position of Chief of Staff (COS) amid President Obama’s shuffle of the militaries upper ranks. Both candidates have given the same surprising answer to one question: What is the number one threat to America? Commandant of the Marine Corp, General Joseph Dunford, and Air Force General, Paul Selva, both agree that it’s not the Islamic State (IS).

Commandant of the Marine Corp, General Joseph Dunford
Air Force General, Paul Selva

According to Dunford and Selva the IS falls below Russia, China, and North Korea. Sure we see them all in the news but none of them have killed US citizens recently. They don’t have lone wolves that keep weary Americans calling tip lines. What makes these nations the greatest risks to America?

They may not be invading our borders, threatening us with violent ideological rhetoric, or inspiring lone wolf attacks but many experts in conflict and foreign relations agree with Generals Selva and Dunford. What these nations are doing quickly fade from headlines and our memories because of the daily news intake of stories are limited by major news agencies to the IS, cases of alleged Police brutality, Presidential candidates, and the confederate flag. To understand the expert opinions we must first understand their thought process unique to their position.

Generals, Directors, and Secretaries of leading agencies charged with defending our nation must be on a higher plane of understanding and thought when it comes to conflict and strategy. When experts state that Russia, China, and North Korea are America’s greatest threats right now it is because they are trying to predict and prepare for tomorrows fight. That means they are trying to predict who, where, and how.

“Tomorrow” should not be taken literally. They are looking years into the future, 15 to 30. Who will the next fight be with? Where will the battleground be? How will we fight? These experts have narrowed down “Who” to be Russia, China, and North Korea (assuming diplomacy fails). Politicians hope for the best, Generals and Directors prepare for the worst. Secretaries do both as they fall into a unique position of being both Politicians and heads of defense agencies.

Russia has been pushing their boundaries by stealthily invading Ukraine. Some say not too stealthily as they use Private Military Contractors and rebels to fight for them allowing them some degree of deniability. They also have a tendency to back regimes we don’t agree with, such as Iran and Syria.

China is using Russia’s invasion (more or less) of Ukraine as a litmus test to judge our response as they push their own boundaries in the South China Sea. China has recently started an Island building program where they literally build from scratch an island with the purpose of extending their military power. China has built up seven reefs in the South China Sea adding about three square miles of islands. Many other nations in the region challenge those claims asserting they are theirs or reside in International waters. Many of the Nations in the South China Sea are partners with the US because of China’s behavior.

China also has their eye on cyber dominance as they hack US systems, the most recently released discovery being the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) hack. Now that they know all of government and contractor’s personal information, their family’s personal information, and their friends who knows how many are being approached and recruited by spies.

North Korea is very friendly with China and has an incredible facility developing anthrax, one which they just invited all of Congress to visit. North Korea’s leader, Kim Jung Un, may be certifiable but inviting Congress to see his Anthrax facility may be the greatest idea he has ever had. I don’t think you could have a bigger group of intelligent people with so much power doing so little.  It would be like hitting the reset button on your N64!  kids under the age 20 may not get this reference...

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